For Human Rights Day, we wanted to highlight the fact that there is courage inside each and everyone of us - from small acts
of bravery to revolutionary change.
The courage to live your truth is in fact your human right.

Leading up to 21 March 2019, we released two films that told real, intimate stories of courage. Then on Human Rights Day,
we released a single video that unpacked key moments from the two stories, ultimately reminding people that these acts of courage,
are also our human rights.

The first video celebrated the courage it takes to be who you’re meant to be. And the other, the courage it takes to defy the odds
when everything is against you. 
We knew these stories weren’t ours to tell, but we also knew that we had the platform
to make sure they were heard.
They shared their personal stories and we captured them in their purest forms, then shared them with Standard Bank's hundreds
of thousands of followers on social media – encouraging the nation to pursue and own the rights that mattered most to them.
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