We’re divided by so many things, but we share something so much more powerful.
Our love for Africa. Our home. For Africa Month we needed to find away to bring the continent together by highlighting what unites us instead of focusing on what divides us.

To celebrate Africa Month, we turned our passion into a powerful reminder… that no matter our backgrounds or beliefs,
our love for Africa, unites us.
We collaborated with poet, Koleka Patuma, and wrote a love letter to Africa. The video was released across our Social Media platforms and invited people to share their own. 
We used letters that were submitted to create content and become the voice of the campaign.

Some of the submitted letters were then turned into social content, banners and pre-rolls to inspire others to write theirs,
and remind us all of the one thing we’re bonded by…
Our love for Africa.

By using the words from real people, a banner became a story that broke borders, and a canvas ad housed
a collection of letters written by people from all across the continent.
Written by people that are all so different.
But all sharing something so unique.
Sharing a sense of unity.
We built a website and aggregated the hashtag, creating a love letter to Africa that grew, every time someone added to it. A letter that will never stop reminding us that Africa is our home. “Dear Africa. Our love for you, unites us.” 
The Results:

16 000 love letters from governments, celebrities and proud Africans
It would take you over three days to read the entire letter.

929 997 video views

10 337 502 digital and social impressions
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